How Hindus are harvested.
'Christianity and Islam spread through conversion. A Christian missionary comes to a village and speaks of the virtues of monotheism, and the shortcomings of polytheism. An Islamic teacher turns people away from jahiliyyah, the barbaric or false way, towards the correct path of one true God.
So how is Hinduism spreading around the world in current times? Mostly by the Christian/Islamic model of ‘missions’, led by entrepreneurial gurus who make yoga and Vedanta attractive to people around the world disillusioned with religion as secularism, seeking something spiritual.' - Devdutt Pattanaik
But one can't but be amazed at the (devious) ways by which Conversion becomes an organic and universal project of the Christian missionaries!!! Hindu Swamis have a lot to learn 

Here is an interesting way in which Christian missionaries try (and perhaps succeed) to convert Hindus by linking all Hindu scriptures and epics to the Bible and Jesus -
You can search https:// en. satyavedapusthakan .net (FB does not allow direct link to the site. Here is some interesting excerpts from the above satyavedapusthakan site :
"Though an epic with many side-plots, the core of the Ramayana forms a love story between Rama, the hero, and Sita, its heroine. In the same way, though the Hebrew Vedas form a large epic with many side-plots, the core of the Bible is a love story between Jesus (the hero) and people in this world who become His bride, as Sita became Rama’s bride. As Sita had an important role to play in the Ramayana, so we also have an important part to play in the Biblical story."
Here is how a well designed calculation of -
"Unreached groups (that) lack enough followers of Christ and resources to evangelize their own people".... is mapped.
And here is "The Missionary Position" on Hindutva:
Here is an excerpts from the above site:
"Mission, therefore, now needs to be directed not just to the materially poorest (as is currently the case) but to the vast mass of those who will be (and are already beginning to be) disillusioned with Hindutva. That needs to be done, not with traditional approaches, but with new ones that take seriously the desire of Indians to solve our very real national problems so that we can hold our heads high in the world—not on the basis of illusions but on the basis of the gospel that enables our people to be liberated from ancient and modern structures that result in bondage, ignorance, disease, and exploitation." - here the 'ancient and modern structures... etc' refers to Hinduism, of course.
So they want to replace Hindutva with the Gospel - and find nothing wrong or contradictory or ironical - about it. 

I found all this by doing an innocuous search with the keywords - map of Hinduism - on Google !!!!!
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